There are many factors determine the ideal body weight for every individual. The most common of these factors include: natal sex, age and height. Also, the ideal weight for a male of particular age is different from that of a female of that same age. Here is a calculator app that calculates your body weight, fat percentage and body mass index (BMI), based on WHO standards and recommendations.
Ideal Body Weight, Fat Percentage & Body Mass Index Calculator | Free Health App
Features of the Ideal Body Weight, Fat Percentage & Body Mass Index Calculator App & How it Works
Below are some unique features of the unit conversion app and how to use it:
User-Friendly and Responsive Interface
The app has a very user-friendly and responsive interface that can be used on any device, both mobile and PC. Also it is very interactive. So any online user can use it easily.
3-in-1 Health App that Works Based on WHO Standard
You can use the app to calculate the following:
- Ideal Body Weight
- Body Fat Percentage
- Body Mass Index (BMI)
All calculations are based on the recommendations of World Health Organization (WHO).
All you need to do is to tap the appropriate link for the feature you wish to calculate (ideal body weight, body fat percentage or body mass index).
Next, you provide the required details for that feature.
Then you tap the Submit button.
For the Ideal Body Weight Calculator
Select a measuring system that is convenient for you, either the Metric (Kgs, cms) system or the US (lbs, inches) system.
Next, specify your sex, either male or female.
Then Specify your height based on the measuring system you chose earlier. For the Metric (Kgs, cms) system, specify your height in centimeter (cm). For the US (lbs, inches) system, specify your height in inches.
Finally, tap the Submit button.
Your ideal body weight will be estimated based on both D. R. Miller Formula and WHO recommendations.

For the Body Fat Percentage Calculator
Select a measuring system that is convenient for you, either the Metric (Kgs, cms) system or the US (lbs, inches) system.
Next, specify your sex, either male or female.
Then provide the following details:
- Height
- Neck Girth
- Waist Girth
- Hips Girth
Finally, tap the Submit button.
Your body fat percentage and body fat category will be estimated based on US Navy formula.

For the Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator
Provide the following details:
- Measuring system
- Height
- Weight
Then tap the Submit button.
Your BMI and Normal BMI Range will be calculated based on WHO recommendations.

CDC Child and Teen BMI Calculator App
Note that our app is for adults over 18 years old. You can check out this BMI calculator app for children and teens designed by CDC, which is based on both age and natal sex.
How to Know the Ideal Weight for your Age and Height
There are many ways you can discover the ideal weight for your age and height. Here are some of the common and recommended methods:
Body Mass Index (BMI)
A tool that measures your weight in relation to your height, and usually returns a single number. Below is a summary ofthe various categories of BMI result.
- BMI less than 18.5 = Underweight.
- BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 = Ideal weight.
- BMI between 25 and 29.9 = Overweight.
- BMI over 30 = Obesity.
Waist-to-Hip Ratio (WHR)
Here, your waist size is compared with that of your hip.
To calculate your WHR, take a measurement of the narrowest part of your waist, usually a bit above the belly button. Also measure the width of your hip at the widest part. Then divide the first result (narrowest hip part) by the second result (widest hip part).
A high WHR implies that you have higher levels of visceral fat (the fat that surrounds several major organs in the abdominal cavity). A person with a high WHR has a higher risk of developing Cardio Vascular Diseases (CVD), heart attack and type 2 diabetes.
Below are the average values for WHRs and their health risk level for both male and female:
- Low Health Risk: Below 0.9, for males. Below 0.8, for females.
- Moderate Health Risk: Between 0.9 and 0.99, for males. Between 0.8 and 0.89, for females.
- High Health Risk: Over 1.0, for males. Over 0.9, for females.
Waist-to-Height Ratio (WtHR)
Here, your weight is calculated by comparing your waist size to your height.
To calculate your WtHR, measure your waist size. Also measure your height. Then divide your waist size by your height size. You have a moderate weight if your WHR is not above 0.5.
A person with high WtHR (above 0.5) has a higher risk of diabetes, heart disease and overall mortality.
Body Fat Percentage
To calculate your body fat percentage, divide the weight of your body fat (includes both essential and stored fat) by your total body weight.
The most common way to measure body fat percentage is to use a skinfold measurement, in which special calipers are used to pinch the skin. The tissues on the chest for males or upper arms for females, abdomen and thigh are measured by a health professional.
There are other ways of measuring the body fat percentage, which include:
- Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry
- Hydro-static body fat measurement
- Bio-electrical impedance analysis
- Air densitometry method, etc.
Calculating your body fat percentage is one of the recommended ways to estimate your body fitness level because it reflects your body composition.
Although everybody needs essential fat to survive, it becomes a health risk when it in excess in your body. Excessive fat proportion in the body is linked to high risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke and heart disease.
You can read more about how much you should weigh for your age and height, with body weight and height chart in this article.
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You have learnt all about our ideal body weight, fat percentage and body mass index (BMI) calculator app and how to use it, various ways to know the ideal weight for your age and height, etc. Feel free to use the app.
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